Notification of recorded performances A. RECORDING ARTIST SECTION A KINDLY READ THE PERFORMER ROLE CODE DESCRIPTION IN SECTION A BELOW BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM. PERFORMER ROLE CODE DESCRIPTION A Featured Performer / Artist (FA) is an individual Performing Artist in whose name the album or single is recorded, or a member of a band who performed in the recorded performance. An Other Featured Performer / Artist (OF) is used in circumstances where a Performing Artist has collaborated and/or has been “featured” by a Featured Performer in the Feature Performer’s album or single. Participants who may fall into this category are limited to: A Lead Vocalist or Instrumentalist not exclusively contracted to the commissioning record label or whose professional name appears with or is linked to the name of the Contracted Artists credited with making the recording; and A performer who is entitled under the terms of a contract with the Contracted Artist to receive royalties from sales of the recording. A Non-Featured Performer / Artist (NF) is a Performing Artist who has been engaged for a fixed period of time, customarily known in the industry as a session musician, specifically to make one or more recorded backing tracks which are included in the sound recording. This includes a Studio Producer or Sound Engineer who has made a performing contribution whether audible (e.g. play an instrument/sing) or inaudible (conduct or musically direct the live performance as it is being recorded) to the recorded performance. SECTION B SECTION C Please indicate the tracks where individual artists performed and their status, whether FEATURED PERFORMER / ARTIST, or OTHER FEATURED PERFORMER / ARTIST, or NON-FEATURED PERFORMER / ARTIST (See Section A above for an explanation of role codes). SECTION D PLEASE SIGN THE DECLARATION BELOW. KINDLY NOTE THAT UNSIGNED NOTIFICATION OF RECORDED PERFORMANCES FORMS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. I, THE UNDERSIGNED, DECLARE, ACKNOWLEDGE AND CONFIRM THE FOLLOWING: I PERFORMED IN THE RECORDED PERFORMANCE(S) MENTIONED HEREINABOVE. I HAVE MANDATED SAMPRA TO ADMINISTER AND COLLECT MY PUBLIC PLAYING RIGHTS (NEEDLE-TIME RIGHTS) IN RESPECT OF THE SAID RECORDED PERFORMANCES. I HEREBY ALSO LIST ALL PERFORMING ARTISTS ELIGIBLE TO REGISTER AS FEATURED PERFORMER(S), OR OTHER-FEATURED PERFORMER(S), OR NON-FEATURED PERFORMER(S), TO THIS PRODUCT. SAMPRA SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIMS OF ANY KIND ARISING FROM DISPUTES AND ACTIONS RELATING TO MY INVOLVEMENT IN THE RECORDED PERFORMANCES INDICATED HEREINABOVE.